Friendship Garden Nursery School

Wonder Reflection #37

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Have you ever asked for help? Did you feel weak or strong when doing this?

I recently hired a professional/personal coach to try to get back on track with where I want to be at this stage of life. I want to be clear in my intention and path forward.

This opportunity came to me through my husband’s work connections and I reluctantly signed up. I felt weak, unmotivated and incomplete.

I spent some time reaching out to friends I have moved away from to reconnect to my journey and practice. Our power is in relationship. This is important to me as I work with colleagues, families and children to better our own lives and outcomes.  

Why You Need An Emotional Fitness Coach For 2019 - Tyson Coaching

I realize how much sits with me. I have been toying with the idea of a teacher action research project surrounding our daily attitudes. The focus is making sure that we are in control of our outlook for the day.  

Things one might include in my project: treats, little gifts, trying different lighting, music, notes of affirmation, my own attitude adjustment, putting the emphasis on myself as a mentor, coach, facilitator, not worrying if I cannot change someone else’s outlook, I can change my own. 

Have you ever asked for help? Did you feel weak or strong when doing this?

Wonder Reflection #36

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True Play 

Play is freely chosen, intrinsically motivated,  and personally directed. 

How do we facilitate play as described above? 

As early childhood educators we observe, observe, and observe. We do not interrupt play. After observing we add and subtract materials. This action is based on our best guess. To facilitate learning through play, an educator cannot interfere and suggest how to use materials. 

Allow children to choose what they will do with the materials. When we set up invitations and provocations, an educator must watch and stay silent. We must not suggest what children might do with the materials.

We model the use of materials in our own play. All educators must spend some time observing this. We do this to see if this practice fits the above definition of play. 

Guiding play that is freely chosen by the children is accomplished by setting out materials in the environment. Then stand back and observe. Allowing the children to interact with the materials as they wish. Children may use materials in a way that might seem “inappropriate” to the educator. The educator should re-assess the appropriateness with a wonder filled vision. 

Play should be the only vehicle for learning in early childhood settings!

Will you play today?

Wonder Reflection #35

Who I am as an educator?

I get so busy, being busy I forget who I am. I thought today I would sit down and spell it out.

Here’s who I am in Early Childhood Education: 

  • I love what I do and I know for sure I should be leading and teaching in Early Childhood
  • Learning more is important to me and I must schedule my time to include studying
  • I want to see a consistent change in teaching style to play based child led and am committed to work with staff to that end 
  • My Wonder Teacher Certification is important to me and need I to commit to do so 
  • I have a great place as is, however it can be always be better 
  • There are people better, smarter, more together than I and this does not diminish me, I am enough and we’re all in this together, it is not a competition 
  • That said, I get, I am competitive and want to win, complete, and challenge others 
  • While I am just one person, I am also a member of a larger community 
  • I have let my local colleagues go after I moved and need to reinvent myself or reconnect whichever feels better 
  • We are all a work in process
  • The wonder I see daily in the children keep me going
  • I am a passionate committed early childhood educator
Early Childhood Education - Pecatonica Area School District

Wonder Reflection #34

Thankful, grateful and present. 

Are You Grateful? — Frank Sonnenberg Online

The more I am tuning into the children instead of focusing on everything that is “not working ”, the more I “see” the direction I am taking. 

The more I take time to be present and see “Wonders”, the more I get it! 

I am so busy “doing” that I forget “being”. I don’t know when I will finish Wonder Teacher Certification however I am digging into the process and letting go of “have too”. I don’t have to finish by a certain date to be present to the children.

Will continuing to work with the Wonder Teacher Certification improve my practice and support my journey………………..yes! So, I will keep on plugging along, learning at my pace, absorbing and processing the way I need to. This is a statement I can associate to the way children are learning around me. 

Children learn. We cannot rush them, force them, or make them learn on schedule. We can support them through the process. I can appreciate this for my little’s now that I can appreciate it for me!! The process is the process. Do not forget.

Wonder Reflection #33

Building a nest. 

I watched a group of children find materials in the yard and build a nest. They excitedly gathered straw, pine needles and twigs. What experience did they have with nests and nest building?

No one told them what to do, there was no right or wrong. No one knew how to build a nest., yet, I witnessed discovery, problem solving, cooperation and working together. Because the children defined roles they built trust and relationships. I saw evaluation, re-evaluation and celebration of accomplishment. 

I learned from watching the process by just watching and being present to their process!! 

Sadly, we as adults don’t often act in the respectful manner that these children did. They demonstrated a fluid thoughtful inclusive process.  

Wonder Reflection #32

Thankful, grateful for the lessons from a little girl in a big truck. 

I watched in wonder as this little child tried different positions in this truck. She created a space for herself to settle into. I watched and took this lesson in, as well as many others:  slow down, relax, appreciate your surroundings, stop worrying about things (like Wonder Teacher Training!!) Keep working at your own pace.  

Enjoy the ride. You belong! 

Thank you for the lessons little one! 

Wonder Reflection #31

Looking for small wonders in a hectic chaotic existence. 

Meeting after meeting to try to strategize a new business plan for success. What can we do when we cannot find quality help?  

The beating of the same old drum, the same old message! Time to change tactics. I have been around long enough to see the cycles of business. Ready to change it up. How do I engage others to join me? 

My Wonder Teacher training has helped to move me to a position that quality is possible and that it can happen in places that are not physically beautiful but they need people to make it happen. 

I am fortunate to have a beautiful setting. Working to physically alter the environment with new paint and a gradual removal of things that were brought in during my 5-year absence. The process is slow. Building relationships is hard. Re-defining who I am and what I want professionally for children. 

Thankful to the Wonder Teacher Certification team, coaching and training. I have learned so much with more to learn. 

 Here is a little friend with great boots and a perfect little perch. The day was a little rainy and overcast but the smile reminds me everything is going to be alright! 

Sally the Puppet Talks About Going Back to School

Wonder Reflection #30

Today I am commenting on reflective practice. What does reflective practice look like for an early childhood educator?

Reflective Practice - University Study - Study Skills - 301 - SSiD ...

Some truths I have found:

All educators are required to be accountable. Accountability is based on stepping back and reflecting on why we do or do not do something. No one is required to answer on the spot however reflection is a mandatory part of the practice. 

There are many ways to reflect. Some educators, mainly introverts like to write in a journal, others might draw, or reflect through music. Still others, mainly extroverts are verbal and need to talk it out. Still the fact remains one must process for results.

The figure above is a good outline for considering one’s actions. Within this we can include specific items early childhood educators can reflect on. 

First reflect on relationships. Relationships with children, families, and colleagues. Always go directly to the source of your issue. Look to each other for assistance.  Reflect and get feedback without going to too many sources. Keep it simple.  

Look at your classroom environment, what do you want children to learn here. If there is a problem how has room arrangement contributed? Are the materials appropriate for the children in the group?

If you do not have a reflective practice, I encourage you to start today.

What will you reflect on today?

Wonder Reflection #29

This is a throw back post to October 2019.

After spending three weeks in Alaska, I had a one day layover in Seattle, WA. I planned to visit my friend Rixa. Professionally, Rixa challenges me and I love to have conversation with her. She helps me re-awaken my passion for early childhood education every time we talk! 

While in Seattle, Rixa’s car was vandalized and my bag was stolen. Taken were my computer, iPad, iPod and other travel items. Most notably stolen was my reflection notebook ironically given to me by Rixa. The reflections contained within are priceless to me and now lost forever.

What lessons are there in being robbed twice in a 6-month time period?

I feel safe and loved in a time when my security is being challenged. Fortunately, nothing happened to me just my “stuff” is gone.

This event will force me to have specific times to be online. How my life will change without the convenience of my OWN laptop? Will I connect more with people or will it be harder for me?

the secret to living the good life: stay in touch - ANDI CUDDINGTON

Connecting with people with limited technology will be a challenge. Rather than replacing lost technological items, using a desktop at work and my phone for social media I can stay in touch. I commit to visiting people face to face! 

For now, I am grateful we are happy, healthy and safe. 

Update July 2020:

So much has changed. My experiment in not having a computer only lasted until Christmas when I received a new one. I was able to stay connected with a phone and desktop.

Technology was the avenue for connecting during the corona virus pandemic. Technology became a lifeline while we all #stayathome, #socialdistancing and #washyourhands.