Friendship Garden Nursery School

Wonder Reflection #19

Why do “we” treat children differently than we would want to be treated?  I have witnessed so many instances this week of indiscretions (in my opinion).  

  • Withholding milk until you eat some “good food”, why does this teacher not recognize this child is thirsty? 
  • Runny noses not wiped, dirty feet not cleaned off, dirty faces not cleaned once activities have completed, the children are not yet old enough to attend to these things, what is this teacher’s perspective? 
  • Comments like, “you’re OK” to a crying child, who is clearly not “OK”, what are this teachers own emotional needs, can he/she recognize and honor a child’s emotions? 
  • Taking things/toys/materials away rather than teaching the children how to use them
  • Moving children too quickly through things, what is the hurry?
  • Interrupting what children are doing 

Why do we make excuses like, “I don’t have time”, “not right now”, with no explanation? As adults we would not want to be treated like this at all.

Think about it!

It’s your job!!! 

Wonder Reflection #18

How do any of us get so complacent about our own well being?? I know full well that I must take care of myself in order to be there and take care of others YET………….. 

I injured myself shoveling several months ago and have finally sought physical therapy to get back to “normal”. How did I let my injured normal become my new normal? When did that happen? Why did that happen?

I have been favoring one side of my body and now need re-training to get back to “normal”. I cannot help but think about how often we get “tricked” into these norms which do not NEED to be normal at all! To avoid pain I did something new that injured me further. 

In education how often are we accepting the “way it’s always done” losing our voices and perhaps even our normal if we are being asked to act in ways that are not comfortable to us.

Do we become complacent and do things a “new” way to avoid the pain of being uncomfortable? Are we sometimes blinded by someone else’s ambition, drive or curriculum demands that we at heart do not believe?

This week I will watch for my inaction due to discomfort. How are we injuring ourselves, colleagues and the CHILDREN we work with by acting complacent when we ‘know” better. Eye opening…………… 

What is it that you “know better” than to do yet you still do it?

Wonder Reflection #17

Our infant class was enjoying some time outside on a blanket. One of the teachers was holding a larger swaddled infant, rocking her, the teacher had shorts on that day.

Our little who had discarded her muddy undies the day before (see Wonder Reflection #16) but had to have some clothing on, kept trying to tell this teacher something while rubbing the teacher’s legs.

Another teacher realized our concerned little was saying “where are your underpants?” You see, no clothing was visible with the infant on the teachers lap! Good for a laugh as our teacher had to show our little she had pants on!! 

What did you laugh about today?

Wonder Reflection #16

How many times a day do we miss opportunities? Could we improve this number by being intentional and present?  

How often do we over think and try to control situations where the children know best? Trust them!

While enjoying some warm weather and mud play, one of our older two-year-old girls did not want to keep on her muddy underwear. She was asked to have at least underwear on.

Image result for muddy children quotes

A little bit later one of the teacher’s discovered her naked bottom and discarded undies. She was taken inside to get a fresh pair of undies so she could continue her outdoor play. I observation that she did not go back into the mud hill even though no one told her not too after being cleaned up.  She knew what she needed/wanted. Trust her! 

Also, the yearly debate of shoes on or shoes off in the outdoor classroom came up. I am a firm believer of shoes off but every year we to go through these steps. First, list the benefits of shoes off. Second listen to the arguments from teachers. Third compromise that if children want shoes off they can take them off. Fourth, watch that there are, every year, only 2-3 children who consistently want to go barefoot walking on our rough surfaces.

After trying to navigate wood chips, slippery mud, hot cement they choose keep shoes on. After cut toes, they keep shoes on. The adult conversation ceases and soon children have shoes off in the sand only except for our few perpetually shoe-less children.

What was everyone worried about? Same course of action every year! Trust the children! 

Wonder Reflection #15

I had the pleasure of covering a teacher in the one-year-old classroom. I was sitting on the floor when child #1, age 16 months came over to see me. She “knows” me and was very busy discovering my hands and bracelet, ears and earrings. She was “talking” and responding to me. I narrated her actions and asked her open ended questions.  

Image result for child looking at bracelet on an adult

While this was happening I had one eye on a 14 month old who looked skeptical about my being there. I’ll call her child #2.  Child #2 was giving me “the eye”.  After about 5 minutes child #1 was done investigating me and she walked off.

I continued to sit on the floor and before I knew it along crawled child #2. She looked at me and proceeded to mimic, action for action, what child #1 had done to me. She climbed into my lap and investigated me in the same order with the same curiousness that child #1 had demonstrated! 

This was a purely magical moment for me to realize child #2 had watched the whole interaction between child #1 and me and then she copied it! If only we would all take in these moments and get what our impact really is!

Love, love, love these moments that should make up our entire day. 

What amazed you today?

Wonder Reflection #14

This week I am sharing a love story……….. 

The father of my husband’s best friend passed away at age 94 on March 29, 2019. He flew his final mission on the 74th anniversary of his liberation from a German POW camp. He was at home and surrounded by his family. He was a teacher, mentor and second family to us. It was an honor to know him. 

Amazingly his wife of 6 years passed away just days later! She was a shining light who came into all our lives in 2012 when “he” and “she” reconnected. You see they were high school sweethearts. WWII found them going their separate ways. They reconnected 60 years later. Both had been married and were widowed. They were married in 2013.  

They were cared for by his grandson, his wife and 2 young daughters. The love in this inter-generational household was a wonder to behold. Be like them and the world would be a much happier place!

Hold your loved ones close today (and everyday!) 

Wonder Reflection #13

So. Much. Wonder. 

Image result for rhino

I received a very short clip of my grandson confidently saying the name of the animal on his shirt! I watched it many times. He gets right up to his Mom’s face and tries to say rhinoceros.

He is so sure of what he’s saying. I watched in wonder in this little boy’s enthusiasm and confidence.

I thought about how many times we take this away in our classrooms in order to be right or to “teach”. I wonder how to navigate the line between allowing him to just be and correcting his “error” as any adult who can say rhinoceros would hear.

Is his pronunciation wrong”? Is it funny? So such to reflect on!

His grandfather and I did laugh over and over but not to his face. What would we have done if he was with us? Would we laugh, would he laugh too or would our laughter stop him in his tracks? Would he practice saying rhinoceros again or become “silent”? 

When do I interrupt, or not? When do I correct, or leave it? When do I leave well enough alone, or get involved? If I am really seeing him and his perspective, he was confident and just fine with his pronunciation!!

He was “schooling” his Mom on what animal as on his shirt! 

So. Much. Wonder. 

Wonder Reflection #12

I am in the third month of my wonder journal project for Wonder based teacher certification.

This week of particular note for me is the change I see in my husband. In my opinion he is a rather uptight business man with a pretty solid black/white view. There is not a lot of grey area for him. The more I am vocal about the wonder I see in my world, the more he is becoming aware of the wonder in his.

It seems we are both able to put small petty conversations/experiences aside and find something good to see/hear/discuss. This project is in fact strengthening an already good marriage!

What a marvelous unexpected turn of events as I deepen my Wonder Teaching studies this is a wonderful unintended consequence for me.

What has inspired you in your relationships today?

Wonder Reflection #11

My husband and I were flying over Alaska when he captured this photo of the aurora.

We took a moment to drink in the beauty of nature. Our life in Alaska has opened my eyes to just how beautiful this place on earth is. I was able to seek out and surround myself with beauty in other locations I have lived but none compare to the beauty that mother nature presents in Alaska. Perhaps I have a new lens I am viewing the world through? 

How are you seeing the world today?

Wonder Reflection #10

ECE 101 Fall 2018

This was my first, last day as an adjunct for the University of Alaska, Fairbanks in December 2018.

There is so much wonder in the faces of my young and young “ish” students. Do they wonder if they have passed the course, Introduction to the Early Childhood Profession? What will they get for a grade, will they get a moment to relax before hitting the books again? These students made me wonder about myself, “What is it I want to do? Am I good at what I think I am good at?” I continue to learn from all my experiences.

Learning sure does go both ways!