Friendship Garden Nursery School

Penguins, Snow & Ice, Outside Science Explorations!!


As we take a break from the series of blogs about areas in the classroom, we’ll have some fun with penguins, snow and ice.

Since returning to school in January, we have seen some very warm days and some very cold days! This week I’ll share some ideas that help us love the cold!

Young children learn best with hands on activities. This time of year in the Northeast is a great time for outside science explorations.

 Who loves an ice hunt? We do. Young children love stumbling upon interesting or puzzling frozen things. Water that has frozen is like a treasure! They delight in a pinecone or other object frozen in an ice chunk.  You can seed these discoveries by putting some water out in containers and adding some leaves or pine cones for your preschooler to discover at recess time. Catch snowflakes on a dark piece of paper and observe them with a magnifying glass. Will you find two that look alike? 

If it is not cold enough outside, use the freezer to compliment your ice studies inside. We froze some water in ice cube trays and bowls for our penguin habitat play.  If you have access to snow, bring it inside in a tub. Preschoolers delight in both water and ice studies, you can have both as the ice melts! Let them discover the properties of water and ice through their own exploration and discovery.  If you are worried about cold hands, provide a few sets of mittens.

 Have fun with language arts by using arctic vocabulary. There are many ways to say “cold”. When talking about arctic animals, don’t forget to use words like habitat, blubber (layer of fat), paddle, rookeries (big noisy group), chick, predator, hibernate and molt as a few key words. Write and tell stories about animals living in a cold environment.

Social studies may include an introduction to the life style of families that live in igloos and have sled dogs and how they cope with very cold regions.

Match little toy penguins with ice cubes, (real or paper) to practice rote counting and one to one correspondence.  These types of math activities make learning fun!

There are many arts and craft activities that revolve around penguins, ice and cold. I will list a few that are fun for young children as a jumping off point for you. Polar bear or penguin paper bag puppets, toilet paper roll penguins, frozen birdseed or cranberries molds to hang out for the birds, cotton ball, sugar cube or mini marshmallow igloos, and frozen paint cube paintings are all fun and easy to do!

Large motor activity can include waddle and belly slide (toboggan) like a penguin or fish and jump from ice flow to ice flow like a polar bear.

Stay warm, next week we will explore the science area in the nursery school setting.

Soon we will post Friendship Garden Nursery School fun and educational activities on Pinterest. You can start following us now at

The Benefits of Dramatic Play for Children

Why do early child centers have dramatic play areas?

Dramatic play can expand your child’s imagination and allows him/her to create his/her own world and safely act out life experiences, role play emotions and concerns. In this area children act out what is important to them, what they have experienced and what they are comfortable with all within the confines of what they can control. During dramatic play cooperation and negotiation skills can be practiced. This supports the young child’s social/emotional development.

Pretend play provides opportunity for language development as different props are introduced. When introducing woodworking tools imagine the vocabulary and learning that will take place.  Dramatic play allows for expansion of language capabilities. When adding pencil and paper, writing can be added as a skill developed in the dramatic play area.  Research shows that children who have opportunities for dramatic play are better readers and writers with a more comprehensive vocabulary.

Math in the dramatic play area can be setting a table using one to one correspondence by placing one plate, one cup, one fork, knife and spoon at each place, sorting doll clothes for “washing” or dividing play foods evenly among plates. Children can match pairs as well.

Learning about diversity and other cultures is an area often reinforced in the dramatic play area for the young child. These social studies as well as learning about oneself and others are met by introducing various traditions by adding special clothing, tools or objects to the area. Children have an opportunity to explore various customs and celebrations. I have added for example, a menorah, wedding veil, chop sticks and birthday hats to the center at various times.

The small motor skills of dressing dolls, zipping, snapping, buttoning and tying dress up clothes/costumes can easily be integrated into dramatic play. Young children can practice simple home chores such as sweeping, folding and serving.

Science can be integrated into dramatic play as you set up a “forest”, a cave, a fishing pond or a tent. We add different supplies that correspond to our curriculum.

At home:  Set up a space for dramatic play with props such as:  dress up clothes/costumes, dolls, kitchen props and a telephone. Remember you can use old mail, calculators, paper, pencils and a briefcase so your child can play “office”. Stuffed animals, small blankets and a doctor kit can be a pet shop or vet. Emptied and clean food containers and flyers can make a grocery store. Extend all of these areas with paper and a pencil for writing lists, prescriptions, bills or notes. Use your imagination and allow your child to use his/hers. Have fun!

See you next week!

Promoting Wellness & Independence for Pre-schoolers


How do routines promote wellness and independence for your nursery school aged child?

There are many ways to promote well being while allowing for independence for your pre-schooler. Let’s look at a few basics.

Your young child can begin taking care of him/herself. This does not mean that he/she should do this alone! A family member should be modeling good self care. The most important and easiest way to promote wellness within your family is proper hand washing using soap and running water. Although hand sanitizer will do in a pinch, soap and water is the preferred method of cleaning. This simple task will keep everyone healthier.

Children thrive when given schedule and routine. There are many fun ways to invite your child to participate in healthy daily routines.  Let’s look at cooking and housekeeping chores. Preparing nutritious foods is a favorite task of many pre-schoolers. Young children can wash, mix, and stir. Make sure that the cooking task you give your little one is age appropriate with a bit of a challenge. Use family dinners as a time to provide opportunities for practicing using utensils, non-sippy cups and good manners.

Cleaning up can be fun. How about playing a sorting game or getting the task completed before the music ends? Putting things away in familiar places help children to be self sufficient. Folding laundry provides many lessons in dressing for the weather. As the temperature changes so should the clothing in your child’s bureau/closet. Clothing battles can easily be won when you having a selection of seasonally appropriate clothing that your child can choose and put on him/herself.  It is a good policy to choose your battles keeping in mind that some things are “must do’s” and are never left up to the child’s choice. Establish this for yourself and your child early. Remember there is no negotiating “must do’s”.

In keeping well make sure that your pre-schooler has the opportunity for gross motor movement/exercise every day. Climbing, running, jumping, catching, lifting, balancing and reaching. This can be accomplished either at a playground or dancing to music in your living room! Just like adults children should move enough to raise their heart rates.

Young children need routine bedtimes. Allow your child to wind down un-stimulated by electronics before bed to assure a good night’s sleep. After getting into pajamas, washing up, tooth brushing and flossing is another important self care routine that you can do together.

Whatever healthy routines you establish keep with them until your child’s next developmental stage. You will recognize when this happens as your routine will need change, sometimes this is dramatic, as in it just no longer works, but often there is just a subtle shift. Flow with it, remembering the basic well being issues discussed above.

Be Well!

Holiday Traditions, A Book on Every Bed

I was recently introduced by my friends at The Coalition for Children,  to a new holiday tradition, “A Book On Every Bed”.
Imagine… One million children across America waking up on Christmas morning (or another winter holiday) to find a gift-wrapped book on their bed!

Amy Dickinson of “Ask Amy” and USA Weekend are encouraging families across
the United States to start this special holiday book tradition. You can help by sharing it with all of the families you know,

I love it; your children from pre-school age on up, will as well!

After your child has fallen asleep on a winter holiday evening, place a gift wrapped book at the end of his/her bed. The child will awaken to find a special present that can be opened and read right away, beginning this wonderful new tradition. This is a great way to keep your children in bed a little longer while spending quality time with you. This may help to get them to bed a bit earlier as well, as they look forward to reading or hearing read their new book again!
Additionally, you will be building a lovely keepsake library to pass on for generations. Wouldn’t it be fun to add a special pair of pajamas with one of the books making this a perfect way to cozy up and enjoy the season of giving?
Remember to spend quality time during this season of rushing around. We too often forget how this type of gesture adds up to great lasting memories.

Some titles for pre-school age children you might consider:
The Polar Express  by Chris Van Allsburg
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss
Frosty the Snowman
Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present  by Charlotte Zolotow
Who’s That Knocking on Christmas Eve  by Jan Brett
T’was the Night Before Chistmas  by Clement C. Moore
Llama, Llama, Holiday Drama by Anna Dewdney

Teaching Children About Charity

The winter holiday season is a good time to teach your young children the gift of charity, however there are many opportunities year round to practice being charitable. Let’s explore a few charitable ideas.

First, children between the ages of three and four are beginning to learn that other people have feelings. At this age children develop and hone a sense of empathy; the very basis for charity. Let’s start early teaching charity to our pre-schoolers.

To begin with, charity begins in the home with the family. Parents are closest to the young child and can set the best example most easily.  A great way to reinforce charitable values is to make giving a regular fun filled family activity. The best charitable activities are those that connect with your child’s everyday experiences or interests. It is easiest for younger children to understand direct and concrete examples of charitable giving. For example, encourage your young child(ren) to donate their outgrown toys and clothing to other children. You might even start with an older sibling passing his/her things down to a younger sibling, cousin, family friend or a neighbor’s newborn.

Food is always most welcome at your local food pantry. Pick up an extra can a week and put it aside for a special trip to the food pantry. Purchase toiletries or write a letter for servicemen and women serving overseas. If your child is interested in animals you might donate food and blankets to an animal shelter. Collect hats, mittens, coats and/or diapers. There are many organizations that collect any or all of the above. Imagine the “feel good” sense when teaching your child to care about others.

Additionally, encourage everyone in your household to participate in volunteer activities. Many organizations need a helping hand. Praise your children when they show generosity and empathy to others.  When you help out with your gift of time at a charitable event, a soup kitchen, or picking up trash, ask your children to join. Bake or rake leaves for your neighbor. Remember that children learn what they live. Kids thrive when they feel a sense of responsibility and will get involved with any activity that makes them feel empowered. Teach pre-schoolers that they are part of a larger community, and that we are all responsible for everyone around us. Don’t you want to live in a world where people care about one another?

You are your child’s first teacher.