Friendship Garden Nursery School

Made Up Games

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When we give children resources they create their own games. This group of children used materials to create a “basket ball” game up off the ground.

We too often limit children’s imagination with our own constraints. The joy of children making up their own games and playing them teaches so many skills at once. Collaboration, communication, consequences, risk assessment, eye hand coordination and other skills are innate to play. These skills are skills we think we should teach. We do not need too if we just let the children be.

What will you allow children to do today?

Rivers and Lakes

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After a rainy morning, the children discovered some dry “river beds” that the heavy rains left. They thought of a variety of ways to recreate the flow only to discover that the earth kept soaking it up.

The activity did not last long however the children involved worked together cooperatively to test their hypothesis that they could re-create a river and lake. Natural resources science lesson for the day, check! We must continue to follow the children as they create our curriculum based on their interests.

How often do you use what is naturally occurring around you as your curriculum?

Collecting Water

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The children are learning the concept of conservation. They have discovered different sources for collecting water. One idea was to put out buckets to capture the rainwater. They quickly found that the air conditioner run off tubes were much more consistent source of water than depending on mother nature’s rain fall.

Surprisingly on our hot and humid days they were able to collect bucket loads which they enjoyed in a variety of ways.

What concepts are important in your program/life?