Friendship Garden Nursery School

Sand and Water Table

This is the final blog in the series which takes a look around the preschool classroom.

The sand and water table/sensory table or bin in the preschool classroom is a must. Yes, I will agree that the area can be very chaotic so let’s remember the benefits as they outweigh the “mess”.

First, consider the physical layout of your space, the sensory table should not be placed on a rug or near a heating vent; a dust pan; a broom and a trash receptacle should be close by and easily reached by the children. Young children can and should be responsible for keeping their area clean and safe.

The sensory table helps to develop the social skills of working together, sharing space and supplies and planning for play. The educator will often need to help in the sharing the media and the materials that are in the table. Do to the limited space of the table it is an area that is easily teacher supervised and supported.

Physical development of the young child is supported in the sensory table as eye-hand coordination is needed for scooping and dumping and the fine motor skills of pouring and sifting can be honed as well.

Vocabulary building is another fun result of exploring different sensory materials. Remember to enrich the young child’s descriptive language vocabulary skills whenever possible.  Language skills in the sensory table include; planning, questioning and telling stories.

Many basic concepts related to science and math can be investigated in a sand/water/sensory table. Water/sand wheel, water pump, sink/float, gravity, manipulation, and trial and error are several scientific concepts explored during sensory play. Measuring and volume, amount, number, quantity and size are mathematical concepts that can be investigated.

There are many items to place in a sensory table, let your imagination go! Here is a list to get you started:




Colored pasta

Cooked spaghetti

Corn Meal


If you are opposed to using food items in the sensory table here is a list of non food item:

Bird Seed

Easter grass




Shaving cream

Cotton balls

Bottle caps


Smooth stones

Ribbons and Bows


Fabric scraps

At home: Safety should always come first when using water or small sensory items. The bathtub and the kitchen sink are logical locations for sensory explorations however a small basin on the floor, with a towel on a plastic trash bag to catch spills will work as well. Supply your child with props such as sponges, basters, colanders, strainers, pitchers, tongs, and so on. Baths are a great place for sensory investigation.  There is so much to explore and learn with very little equipment, and clean up is simple.

Teaching and Learning Math in Pre-School

I participated in a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) training at the Cape Cod Children’s Museum This series of blogs focused on one aspect of STEM at a time, this is the last blog of the STEM series.

How do children learn and use arithmetic in pre-school?

Math is a way of measuring.

First what is math for the pre-school aged child? Hands on is simply the best way for a young child to learn math. Try to use real concrete objects when working through math problems.  In the math center activities should be fun yet challenging. For example, as a child is sorting buttons, ask him/her to count them. Next ask how many buttons would be in each pile if you added one or subtracted two etc. You can say, “I wonder how many red buttons there would be if I subtracted two from this pile”. Let the child manipulate the materials to find the answer.

Bigger, smaller, half and zero are just a few mathematical concepts you could introduce while sorting buttons (or socks!) Children need opportunity to think about their solutions rather than knowing if the answer is “right”. Some open ended discovery will be necessary as they learn the concepts. There is no need to correct your child, rather pose some further questions for the child. For instance, if there is a pink button in the red pile you might ask, “I wonder if this button is the same color as this button”. Allow your child original reasoning and to develop problem solving reasoning skills. Your young child might have a logical answer as to why the button is in the pile. Perhaps it has just two holes and “matches” the two holed red buttons. There are many different attributes to sort by. Give your child the chance to explain and/or correct.

Let’s continue to look at math around the nursery school classroom.

In the dramatic play center you might see a child setting the table, counting and then placing one plate and one cup in front of each chair. Watch as the preschooler negotiates for materials based on how many are available in the area. A child might be informally measuring to see if an outfit will fit them or if it will fit a doll.

Math in the writing center could be making number books, it could also be numbering the pages of a story your child has written. Children may be drawing and naming shapes. 

There is opportunity for math is every story you pick up to read. There are numbered pages. First, middle and last are mathematical concepts. Sequential retelling of a story has mathematical roots. Look for shapes (geometry) in the art work on the pages. Remember to incorporate new mathematical vocabulary and ideas as you speak.

Continue to explore and discover math at home.  Play board games and build puzzles. Supply empty and clean, egg cartons, small boxes and/or ice cube trays and materials for sorting. Some materials you could use include bottle top/lids, colored paper clips or my personal favorite, a “party mix” of snack foods, “eat your math”!  Young children enjoy inventing their own games. Supply them with paper, crayons, and dice, along with some objects to use as player pieces. A ruler, a tape measure, and other items can be used for measuring size and distance.

Math is all around us.

Teaching Technology and Engineering in Pre-School

This is the second blog of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) series by Robin Jones.

How do we teach technology in nursery school?

Technology is a way of doing.

When we hear the word technology most of us think of computers and the information highway. While it is the case that children are using tablets and computers in preschools, what else is technology? Let’s start with what it should NOT be. Technology is not meant to replace experiences but to expand the range of tools with which the young child can seek information. Technology is using tools to get a job done. Technology is being inventive, identifying problems and making things work. Technology is thinking and problem solving giving equal opportunities to boys and girls.

Technology in language arts might include a listening center with books and tapes/CD’s, a player and headphones. There are many games that encourage letter recognition, pre-reading and pre-writing skills. 

In the dramatic play center, when children are playing grocery store they might “scan” items to get “prices”, this shows a knowledge of how to use tools. Old phones, calculators, click counters and keyboards allow children to understand the function of these tools as well.

In the area of social development technology is talking, doing, cooperating, and helping. It might be trying out a computer game with a friend, sharing and playing cooperatively. There are many types of timers that can be used to encourage child turn taking.

Engineering is a way of doing.

Engineering is solving problems, using a variety of materials, designing and creating, building and testing until things work. The engineering process is circular: define, plan, build, test, share and begin again. Preschoolers are natural engineers because of their innate curiosity and love of hands on activities.  Young children can see the game of building and testing again and again. The most prominent example I can think of is in the block area. Preschoolers will build and rebuild until they are met with success. This is usually accomplished with great joy and laughter as they solve the problems of falling blocks. Explore and use simple machines such as ramps, gears, pulleys and levers throughout the block play experience to add to the creativity.

In the art area invent and construct simple objects or structures using common tools and materials. Talk about what does and does not work. Ask why certain materials are used for the purposes that they are used. For example, why is a chair made out of plastic and not paper?

In the area of science engineering can be the study of how animals use parts of their bodies to accomplish various tasks.

While cooking discuss the function of common machines, such as a cheese grater, food mill, mixer and/or blender. Ask how they work and explain how these tools make the job of preparing food easier.

The proper use and safety of all tools is a part of the preschool engineering curriculum.

During story time look for examples of engineering when the story time characters are faced with a problem that they try to solve. The Three Little Pigs is a great example. Many titles in Curious George series of stories can be used to talk about the engineering process. Can you think of any other titles? Please share.

Technology and Engineering are just “fancy” words to describe what children do naturally on a daily basis.  Let’s get busy.